Google Analytics domain and subdomain filter

ChrisGoogle AnalyticsLeave a Comment

Google Analytics

By default, Google Analytics only shows URLs without the domain. If you are tracking multiple subdomains, it can be helpful to know how to show the domain or full URL as well.

This can be done by adding an advanced filter to your Google Analytics view.

  1. Click admin icon in menu
  2. Go to Filter > Add Filter > Create New Filter > Custom > Advanced
  3. Select Hostname for Field A and enter (.*) in field
  4. Select Request URI for Field B and enter (.*) in field
  5. Select Request URI for Output To field and enterĀ $A1$B1
  6. Make sure the checkboxes for Field A, Field B and Override Output Field are selected
  7. Enter filter name and click save.

Google Analytics domain and subdomain filter

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