Track users across subdomains with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager (GTM)

ChrisGoogle AnalyticsLeave a Comment

Google Analytics subdomain tracking

By default, Google Analytics treats subdomains as separate websites which means a user isn’t tracked across sites as the same user. Google Analytics will report two users/sessions instead of one, and you will see self-referrals in your acquisition reports i.e. users to your site from your own domain. With some additional configuration in Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, we … Read More

Google Analytics domain and subdomain filter

ChrisGoogle AnalyticsLeave a Comment

Google Analytics

By default, Google Analytics only shows URLs without the domain. If you are tracking multiple subdomains, it can be helpful to know how to show the domain or full URL as well. This can be done by adding an advanced filter to your Google Analytics view. Click admin icon in menu Go to Filter > Add Filter > Create New … Read More