Starting affiliate marketing

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Affiliate marketing for beginners

FREE step-by-step training guide ‘7 Steps To Results’

There are many ways to create an income or build a business online. You could become a freelancer, start an e-commerce store, or publish and sell ebooks.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is one of the simpler ways you can get started. All you do is help other companies sell their goods or services online by referring potential customers to them. In return, you receive a commission when that customer buys.

Many well-known companies have affiliate programs which demonstrate it is a very established method of doing business online.

So what are the key things you need to know?

You will want to know about two things.

Traffic and conversion

Traffic is the ability to send people from one place to another online. There are free and paid methods available, each with their own pros and cons. This could be from social media like Facebook or search engines like Google.

Conversion is the ability to influence the preferred action you want a person to take. Usually, but not always, this requires some kind of web page to provide further information to ‘presell’ a potential customer before they visit the main company site.

As concepts, these two things are easy to understand but the devil is in the detail so I’ll expand on things with an example.

Affiliate marketing example

Let’s say you become an affiliate and decide you want to promote smart TVs. You can run Facebook ads to get people on Facebook to visit a merchant’s product page with smart TVs on it. In this case, you’re using Facebook ads to drive ‘traffic’ to the merchant directly.

This could generate some sales but a better way of improving sales might be creating a comparison review of the top 5 smart TVs on your own website first, outlining the pros and cons of each in more detail. They can then visit the merchant better informed increasing the likelihood of buying.


Now you’re probably asking yourself at this stage, how do I even create Facebook ads or build a website? Understandably, there are a lot more things to learn that can’t be fit into this article.

FREE training guide

If you’re serious about learning affiliate marketing and becoming effective at it then check out the FREE step-by-step training guide ‘7 Steps To Results’.

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